kythera family kythera family

Family Trees

Michopoula (1)

In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.
Alex Haley

The family tree section of the website went online in March 2004. It is the most ambitious and technically complex part of the website, yet we have tried to keep it as user friendly as possible.

Up until the middle of the last century, Kytherians predominantly married Kytherians, even after they emigrated. Just one family tree going back a few generations probably includes relatives of hundreds, perhaps thousands of us, so just imagine what a wealth of family knowledge will be at all of our disposal when the dozens of Kytherian family trees already documented by the genealogists amongst you become visible on

The potential is limitless: on a private level we will be able to discover unknown family branches from the investigations of distant relatives; as a community we will better realise the interconnections which link us all at a family level; and the consequent revelation of the migration patterns and age statistics of an entire island will tempt academics to focus on Kythera and thus hopefully inspire other branches of research of our wonderful island.

To view and existing tree click on a letter of the alphabet (above left) and choose the name of the person's tree you would like to view.

Note: Persons in the family trees which are still living are not displayed by name to protect their privacy. Only the person who has entered them can see the names, and then only when they have logged on.

Instruction on how to create a Family Tree
It’s easy to create a family tree on the website, either from scratch, adding one relative after another, or, for those of you who have already created a digital family-tree on your PC, you can simply upload your tree (in GEDCOM format) straight to the site. In both cases simply click on “Create a new Family Tree” to the top right of this text.

If you wish to upload a GEDCOM use the upload area at the top of the initial page. If you wish to create your tree online, follow the instructions below.

1. Once you have clicked on "Create a new family tree" a form will be displayed which you can fill in with the first (any) person in your family tree.

2. When you click on the submit button you will be shown your one-person family tree featuring your inital entry. To add relatives simply click on the little "page" symbol next to name and a page will appear which allows you to choose which relative(s) you want to add.

3. If you wish to add a parent, click on "add parents" and another form will appear allowing you to add the information about one or both parents. There is a pull-down menue at the top of the form which allows you to choose people you have already entered in this or other family trees. That way you need not enter them fully again, but instead simply choose them in the pull-down and then click on submit.

4. It is always better to add the children after having added spouses to the parents. That way, when you come to add the children, you can easily select both parents.

5. The system also supports multiple spouses - many women died in childbirth so it isn't rare that people married more than once. In cases where a parent has married more than once, take care to select the correct spouse/mother when adding children.

If you have any suggestions for or problems with the family tree system please contact us at [email protected]