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Showing 1 - 3 from 3 entries
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Katherina Conomos (Megaloconomos) - Tweed Heads Australia

I came across this site accidently and I think it is wonderful. My Fathers name is Emmanuel Megaloconomos. I know I have a lot of distant relys in Brisbane. So hi out there!

Emmanuel George Conomos (Megaloconomos) - Sydney Australia

Family Paratsoukli "Koutsounis" fathers name was George (marangos)mothers name Stamatico Casimaty from Vrimona.


Emanuel Calligeros - Brisbane, Queensland

Congratulations on this wonderful website. I cannot wait until I can submit the family tree of my family which I have been working on for a number of years. Good luck with all the entries and wishing you every success on this venture.

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