Constantine Aroney was awarded a British Empire Medal for his heroism in World War II.
Constantine Aroney, born in Cerigo and living in Melbourne, was involved in both World Wars, first enlisting in 1915 and serving at Gallipoli, France and Belgium as a private in the 24th Battalion. In October 1939, he enlisted in the Commonwealth Military Forces and seven months later he transferred to the 2nd Australian Imperial Forces and the Headquarters of the 1st Australian Corps, serving in Palestine, North Africa, Greece, Crete and Syria.
While serving in Greece, Driver Aroney’s cultural background proved extremely valuable. Following the debacle on mainland Greece, when the Allied forces were overrun by the German Army, Aroney managed to escape to Crete in an open boat, taking 23 other soldiers with him, whom he cared for with the help of Greeks on Crete – a heroic feat for which he was awarded the British Empire Medal.
On the Australian Imperial Force - Nominal Roll:
Documenting the receipt of the British Empire Medal:
Date of birth: 10th March, 1896
6th Infantry Brigade 24th Infantry Battalion - "B" Company
WWI, Date of joining: 06/03/1915
Regtl No: 1135
Place of residence at time of enlistment: Cerego, Greece
Rank: Private
Martital Status: Single
Occupation: Liftman
Fathers name: Peter Aroney, Cerego, Greece
WWII, date of joining: 07/06/1940
Nest of kin, 1944: Mrs Annie Notaras, Friligianica, Cerigo, Greece. (His sister)
Mrs E Lawrence, 22 Albert Road, South Melbourne (His friend)
Constantine Aroney's residence on the date of receiving his British Empire medal:
22 Albert Road
South Melbourne
National Archives, Australia, Canberra, A.C.T.
Article on groundbreaking Greeks, NAA