Kythera From the Air
Author: James Prineas
When Published: 2013
Publisher: Kytherian World Heritage Fund
Available: In Australia from the Kytherian World Heritage Fund & The Kytherian Association of Australia
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In Europe, available from James Prineas.
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From 2014, thye book will be avaialble from all good book shops on the island of Kythera.
Description: Beautiful coffee table book printed on 118gsm art paper. 272 pages. Hardback.
ISBN: 978-0-9872473-2-2
Other contributors:
Essays: Kiriaki Mavromattes-Orfanos
Translation: Irini Renieri
Greek Editing: Elena Panagopoulou
Plane piloted by: Kyprianos Biris
The book contains photographs of the various villages and places on the island of Kythera, taken from the air.
Subjects: Kythera, also known as 'Cerigo', is a Greek island situated between the southern tip of the Peloponnese and Crete. Its more than sixty villages reveal their organic development from neolithic to modern times. Roads twist like climbing plants into almost every corner of the island. These 280 aerial photographs taken in the verdant winter months, capture the beauty of the entire island.
View / Download a .pdf of 8 sample pages, (pp.72-79) here:
Prineas_sample_ pp72-79.pdf
Some reactions to the book:
Georgia Pine, California, USA.
"I've been enjoying the various photos and reading the essays. It's going to take a while to get through it as it is heavy to handle. What a terrific legacy for all of us and for future generations! Great idea to include surnames with each village."
Dimitris Koutrafouris, the Bank Manager of the National Bank of Greece, branch, Potamos, Kythera, placed the book on display in the summer of 2013.
As locals and Kytherians of the diaspora thumbed through the book, their first instinct was to try and find their own houses, or those of their grandparents and relatives.
Most were not satisfied until that were certain that they had found their houses. Often they had to solicit the help of realtives and friends to help locate them.
The book contains virtually every structure on the island, in every part of the island, which makes it a very valuable Kytherian resource.