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Stephen Trifyllis


a truly remarkable find , my father Theodore Trifyllis from trifyllianika his one way ticket to Sydney, Australia via port said and Fremantle in 1938...my father was just 14 years of age when he left , now 90 years of age , one lovely story he tells is that he was waving to kythera with a hanky in his hand as the island disappeared from view around kavo maila while his parents stood on the sacred mollo at agia pelagia .... a wonderful and sad story , he returned to kythera 20 years later to visit again his parents and built them a brand new little house in the late 1950`s in trifyllianika. and as of this year I have just finished with great pride and honour the renovations of my grandparents house... my father now 90 and unfortunately heavy with dementia , and a past memory that has now virtually dimmed ... I so much miss his wonderful wonderful stories of the island when he was a young boy, I thank him so much for all those memories that made me fall in love with the island from a young age growing up in Toowoomba Queensland ...I think the first words I ever spoke was the word KYTHERA ... thanks'' babba '' for your superb memories , yarns , stories, I will never forget them, of a truly lovely magnificent place ...which means so much to a lot of other people ... god bless you Theo ... FOOT NOTE ... its about time we give serious consideration if allowed to erect a statue on the mollo [ jetty ] at agia pelagia in a mark of respect and to honour those thousands of sons, daughters, families that left for Australia, America from that jetty , that is the jetty of tears as all those people left from that jetty and in some cases never returned to the island again , for goodness sake the support shown to other areas of past kytherian history from picture theatre's windmills, books of the island etc.. pales into insignificance to the sad sorrow that happened through out the last 100 years... for future generation's to remember and reflect the immense migration from kythera to foreign countries and to a uncertain future... so come on all you so called kythera lovers ... LETS GET THIS HAPPENING ..!!

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