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Peter Tsicalas

Molesworth Street, Lismore, 1930

Jones’ Tea Rooms was the original home of the Queen City Refreshment Rooms, opened by Alderman John I. Smith in 1896 and passed to Walter Gray in 1924. Gray passed it to Fred and Grace Jones 18mths later and moved further north on Molesworth to take over the MG Refreshment Rooms and create the Elite Cafe, which he passed to the Vlismas Bros in 1929.
The Tudor was initially an ex saddler’s shop, converted into a café in 1927 by Paul Coronakes who passed it to the Jones’ in 1933 after their shop was absorbed in the construction of Penny’s Department Store.
(1) was the Olympia Café until becoming home to Lang’s Shoe Shop in 1929, but Theo Fardouly and family continued to live upstairs for some time.
(2) is Crethar’s Sundae Shop, established by Angelo Crethar in 1926 upon taking over the Tea Room business of Sackett & Howard, who had in turn taken over from John Zervothakis in 1908. In 1935 Angelo added a second storey and absorbed portion of the shop next door.

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