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Joan Marentis Kelly

Joan Marentis Kelly .... RE: My Kytherian family

Thank you for this website as I have had several responses to my inquiry about my Kytherian family history. One thing that I have always known about my family roots is that Kytherians are wonderfully gracious people. Thank you one and all. My journey to trace my dad's family back to the homeland was prompted by his passing .... I wish to document and preserve our lineage as a birthright to our past and future. I also, wish to revise my search by including a very important piece of information that in my hast to begin, was omitted. My grandfather Anastasious, in addition to having a brother ,Theodore, and sister, Colliope, who remained on the island ..... had another brother George, who migrated to the USA. My dad's cousin Cosmos lived here in NY and with his family. We have been lucky enough to have shared many moments with them. Until I get this all on paper, it is a bit difficult to connect the dots .... and unfortunately I never had the opportunity to know my grandfather as he passed away before I was born. Thank you once again for the responses, I am enjoying communicating with my fellow Kytherians. God Bless you all !!!!

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