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Heather De Marco

Lahanas -Kythera to Egypt - 1880's

Hi Fellow Kytherians,

My blood has thinned. I am 4th generation now living in Brisbane, Australia.

My Greek Mother and Grandmother were both born in Egypt after my great grandfather settled there leaving Kythera in the 1880's to work on the Suez Canal. His name was Theothoros LAHANAS and he married Maria Vlandis. His parents were Kirani and Pavlos LAHANAS.

Maria and Theothoros had 8 children in Egypt but the Lahanas name does not continue as the only male to marry had a daughter. However, I am in contact with most of the decendants of my generation. They live in Australia, UK, Switzerland and Athens.

My question is : How do I go about finding out if Pavlos ( born in the 1840's ) had brothers? What village are the Lahanas' from? Did they keep proper records in these villages back then?

My thanks for this great website.

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