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James Gavriles

Nick Cominos (Ntouris) who lived in Detroit Michigan, relatives or reccolection?

My father had a very good friend here in Detroit Michigan, who was also in the Kytherian Brotherhood here. He was sort of an outspoken gentleman, I do not even know what he did for a living. All I know is that his name was Nick Cominos. From the association with my father, I would imagine he was born sometime between 1895 and 1900. He was always well dressed and smoked a cigar. Wore a fedora hat, had a moustache and loved to talk politics. He would show up at our house on Sundays. He never drove a car, he was not married, and he didn't have any children that I know of. When he would show up at the door and my mother would announce "Eirthe Oh Douris sti Borta". (Mr. Douris is at the door). I never realized as a child why they called him Douris, but I do now. He must be of the same clan as the Cominos above, and he must have also come from Ntourianika. Somehow I got the feeling that he was my father's boyhood friend, as our family came from Logothetianica, which is not that far from Ntourianika.
I would like to know if anyone out there was related to this Nick Cominos. I want to know more about him. I know that this man was one of my father's dearest friends as I rarely ever saw my father shed any tears, but when his friend Nick Cominos passed away, a few years before my father died, he cried almost a whole day for the loss of his friend. Someone on this website surely has to know something about Nick Cominos from Detroit Michigan, and who were his relatives in Kythera and in Australia??
This is not the Nick Cominos who was involved with filming and just died in California. I do think he might have been related to him.

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