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James Prineas

December 2004

Kythera-Family.net Newsletter December 2004

1. Newsletter Introduction
2. Letter from Kythera by Robin Tzannes
3. Kythera Cultural Tour Holiday
4. Pick of the site
5. Interview with a Champion
6. Kytherian Survey Results

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Dear Friends of Kythera,

Kythera-Family.net has been visible to the world for a year and a half now, but I still get mails from Kytherians from all over the world - even regular visitors to the site - who don't seem to have realised the unique thing about the site is that they themselves are invited to submit directly. Allowing universal submission makes our site unique and is the only way to enable the enormous amount of heritage material out there to be collected before it is lost. So far more than 400 people of Kytherian descent have contributed from their family collections. At the time of writing the total number of entries stands at 4944 entries. Help us breach the 5000 mark by the end of the year by submitting an entry - a story, family tree entry, your family nickname or an old picture - from your family collection soon.

We were delighted recently to have been the focus of the Kytherian Association of Australia's Ladies Committee's attention. They held a fund raiser in our honour and presented Angelo Notaras - our Team Leader in Australia - with a check for A$5,000 for the website fund. A huge and welcome donation from a wonderful group of women. Their non-financial support had already been enormous, so we were really bowled over with their continuing generosity. Thank you all very much!

This seems a good chance to inform all our newsletter readers of how our funding is spent. First of all I'd like to point out that the website team leaders - Angelo Notaras, George Poulos and myself - work without remuneration. The funding we receive is spent on the following:

EXPENSE 1. Technical modification of the website.
Kythera-Family.net is continuously evolving. Our programmers have added a tens of categories and dozens of features to the site in this year alone. The Natural History Museum section, the Family Tree System, the Kythera Map Function are just a few. This November the programmers added the entire Academic Research section with 10 categories as well as a "Recent Entries" function allowing visitors to see the newest entries listed from newest to oldest. That way regular visitors to the site can pick up where they left off and never miss a new entry. Future additions to the site include a "Keyword Email Notification Function" which will send an email to registered users if a key word (eg. family name, village) is found in a new entry, and a book function with which a PDF-version of the site will be able to be produced.

EXPENSE 2. The employment of a trainee collator.
A young Greek collator - Giovanni Spanu (father Italian, mother Greek) - has been working on the site for us from here in Berlin. His first job was to enter all names (350+) and villages (60+) in Greek and link them to their English equivalents and to the site map system. Next he updated all the Greek framework texts so that they were up to date with their English equivalents - no small job considering the dozens of categories and instructions on the site. Next on the list was the input of all the responses to the survey which so many of you were kind enough to fill out last September. Giovanni tirelessly and accurately entered them into a database designed specifically for the purpose and we are proud to be able to present the results of the survey further down in this newsletter. Last but not least, Giovanni has been transcribing the contents of the early Australian-Greek publication "Life in Australia" from 1916 by John Comino. It is an important piece of Kytherian and Greek/Australian history, which is why the website fund has undertaken it's translation and publication on the website. So far Giovanni has uploaded the first dozen or so biographies from the book - you can find them in the "History/Archive-Research" area of the site (for want of a better category) or by clicking here:

EXPENSE 3. Translations.
By far the most costly part of our ongoing venture is the translation of texts for the site. During our efforts to make Kythera-Family.net an optimal source of information about our island, we have come across publications which definitely belong on the site but are unlikely to be submitted by a member of the public. One such source is the aforementioned "Zoe en Australia" (Life in Australia) from 1916. Simultaneously we are transcribing the book- putting the original Greek text onto the site - and have also engaged a professional translator to create an English version of it. This will not only go onto the site: we will also be creating a typeset and printed version of it so that all who are interested can finally read it complete with photographs and notes. That way the many of us less proficient in Greek will gain an insight into the motivation of so many thousands of islanders who left Kythera for lands far away.
Other book projects, including Emmanuel Kalligeros' magnificent and scholarly "Kytherian Surnames", Dr. George Argyropoulos moving and at times hilarious "Recollections from occupied Kythera", as well as many other scholarly and literary works, are waiting in line for translation and publication. (By the way, if you know of any excellent Greek-English translators please let us know - we could use some more to keep up with our ambitious itinerary).

Those are the three main areas of expense which our website-account funds. In the true Tsirigotiko tradition Angelo Notaras and the Kytherian Association of Australia hold the purse strings tight to prevent wastage, but not at the expense of progress and illumination. If you would like to know more about sponsoring the site please don't hesitate to contact Angelo Notaras at [email protected]. If you would like to view a list of those who have so generously sponsored the site, click here:
Many thanks to them all!

The Kythera-Family.net team wish you all a wonderful festive season and hope to see you on Kythera in 2005!

James Prineas, Website Team Leader Europe

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In November on Kythera, the villages are deserted from sunrise to sunset; the roads are practically empty all day long; many shops and businesses are closed during the day as well: it feels like everyone on the island is picking olives. Around sundown, the roads are suddenly packed with cars, trucks and tractors bringing home the day's harvest. Outside every farmhouse, stone walls are lined with bulging burlap bags. And the olive oil factories are humming around the clock.

But this year's harvest is a very poor one, after the long, cold winter of 2004. People who normally spend months picking olives are finishing up in weeks. Others aren't bothering to pick their olives at all. When we inspected our own little orchard in Fratsia, we found barely enough to fill our pockets.
I'm sorry we won't be picking olives this year, which I find to be one of the most pleasant activities on earth. Because we have so few trees, we aren't obliged to pick them in rough weather. We can go out when the sun is shining and the birds are singing, and spread our nets over the carpet of wildflowers growing beneath the trees. George does the climbing and the pruning, while I stand on the ground, combing the branches with my little yellow rake. I love that pop-pop-popping sound the olives make as they cascade into the nets.

In a good year, we can get around 8 burlap bags full of olives. But as paltry as our harvest might seem to people who fill hundreds of bags every year, no one ever laughs at us. "Doesn't matter," they always say. "You have to pick them. They're your olives." And they always add, by way of consolation, "Anyway, you'll have enough for your salad."

The Kytherian oil is dark green and has a deliciously strong olive flavour. Unlike dopio wine, it takes no getting used to, and knowing you've picked the olives yourself adds a mysterious element that guarantees your own oil to be the absolute best you have ever tasted. And, because we don't use olive oil as lavishly as native Kytherians do, 8 bags yields enough oil to last us the whole year - for cooking, for baking, for rubbing on dry skin and sore muscles - and for our salad.
I close with hopes for a milder winter, and a better olive harvest next year.
Robin Tzannes, Kepriotianika, Kythera.
Curator, Kythera Museum of Natural History
[email protected]

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This came in after the last newsletter.
Discover your Kytherian Roots Holiday idea
submitted by Ellena Galtos 01.11.2004
James Prineas must have been reading my mind... his suggestion in the latest newsletter about arranging a 'discover your roots' holiday in Kythera in October 2005 fits in well with plans I was making anyway.
I have been planning a trip to Europe next year, which was to start with Greece, including a visit to Kythera. As one of those Greek-Australians whose Greek is far from fluent, I would love to take advantage of James's suggestion. It would certainly save me the effort of finding a Greek speaking friend to help with the family history research I intended doing
My parents have shown me copies of info they've obtained from Kytherian archives; so I know that I would need help reading the old hand-written records. Any extra cultural, social or history oriented activities would just be a bonus.
So, I can volunteer 2 people (my husband and me) to join up with this 'discover your roots' venture. Who's next?
Ellena Galtos

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THE KYTHERA CULTURAL TOUR (aka "Discover your Roots Holiday")
The Kythera Cultural Tour has now definitely been re-scheduled for the last week in June, 2005, as that seemed most convenient for all concerned; an early summer date has the added advantage of allowing people to continue their holidays on Kythera or elsewhere in Europe. The program of events is still fluid, and will remain so at least partially for some time in order to allow for suggestions and special requests to be incorporated. However, the following will definitely be included:

1. A one-day conference with lectures and audio-visual presentations on the history, archaeology and social history of Kythera, as well as about the Kythera-Family.net genealogical database and how to use and contribute to it.
2. A tour of the most interesting Byzantine and post-Byzantine sites and churches, including the ruined citadel-town of Agios Dimitrios (Paliochora).
3. A visit to the principal archaeological sites currently being excavated.
4. Excursions to sites of great natural interest and beauty, including the gorge of Kaki Langada and the water-mills of Mylopotamos (both a little strenuous, but neither involves climbing).
5. A visit by boat to the marine caves of Chytra Island (Avgo), the hauting island a kilometer off Kapsali.
6. A specially organised exhibition of contemporary art by artists and photographers resident on Kythera.
7. An opportunity to examine the holdings of the Kythera Photographic Archive, with the option of ordering contemporary copies of images as much as a century old.
8. A bird-watching tour.
9. A visit to the Kythera Archives in the castle in the capital, which include a treasure trove of documents from as far back at the 12th century.
10. Kytherian dance lessons, with the opportunity to try these out later in the evening.
11. Visit to an organic dairy farm & apiary (honey production)
12. And much more

Other events are still at the planning stage, and all suggestions are welcome. In order to accommodate the entire program over a 4-5 day period, some events make have to run in tandem, but we will try to limit this as much as possible. A few events will have to limit the number of participants for practical reasons (for instance, bird-watching - forty bird-watchers in a body equals no birds).

A contribution of 280 Euros (A$490, US$370) per person will be levied on behalf of the non-profit Kythera Cultural Association, in exchange for which participants will be able to take part in all the scheduled events. This contribution does not include the cost of meals, with the exception of the inaugural welcoming dinner; however, arrangements will be made beforehand for special fixed prices and menus at all the restaurants we visit.

Please book as early as possible, as there will be a maximum of forty participants. A non-refundable deposit of 150 Euros per person will be required by 1 March 2005. Complete packages to and from Kythera at discount prices and special accommodation and travel rates from Australia, Europe and the North America can be arranged through our sponsors Porfyra Travel Ltd.

The Kythera Cultural Association is a non-profit association incorporated under Greek law for the purpose of promoting culture on and about Kythera. You can read more about their activities here:

John Stathatos
[email protected]

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Kytherian Hospital Appeal Committee
by Chrissa Vlandis

During my holiday in Kythera in July, I, and other members of the Kytherian Hospital Appeal Committee, visited the Hospital in Potamos. We were welcomed by Mr Stais, who is the Administrator of the Hospital. He showed us around the hospital and also showed us the Biochemical and Blood Analyser that had been purchased by our Committee through the generosity of our kind donors.

The Biochemical and Blood Analyser is being used every day and a full time Pathologist is now in Kythera. Patients are able to have tests done in Kythera with the results available to them much earlier than before. We were most impressed. A few Australians visiting the island had cause to use the machine and remarked how simple it has made medical procedure. Mr Stais said that the hospital is undergoing changes. This will be a slow process, but I feel in time a lot of improvements will be made.

The next piece of equipment that the hospital needs is a machine to detect cancers. Cancer of the thyroid is becoming more common in Greece, and Europe.

A new machine will be made available later in the year. This machine will prove to be very useful. Most patients on the island have to fly to Athens for simple tests, and this is a difficult thing to do, particularly for older Kytherians. Obtaining a machine for this purpose, may become the next goal of the committee.

On the same day that we visited the hospital, we went to the Old Peoples Home in Potamos. We were impressed how clean the wards were, and how pleasant the staff were. The hospital was installing new fire sprinklers. We spoke to a number of the people living there, and they were all very happy with the facility. We were welcomed by the President of the home, Mr Samios. Others present were Dr Argyropoulos, and Dr Spiro Tzannis, who both work with the aged. They made us most welcome.

It is hoped we can purchase further equipment to improve the standard of care and treatment at the hospital. Any donations will be used for this most worthwhile cause. For information on how to donate please email [email protected]. A receipt will be issued upon request. No equipment will be ordered or paid for without committee approval.

We firmly believe this appeal for the Hospital is most worthwhile and hope that all Kytherians will give it their consideration and support.

Thanking you on behalf of the committee,
Kytherian Hospital Appeal Committee

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Trifillis' in Potamos
by Dean Trearchis 02.12.2004
Has anyone ever heard of a Nikos Trifillis who was the mayor of Potamos for about 15 years and died in either Potamos or Trifilianika?
His parents were Panagiotis (Peter) Trifillis and Fotinoula (Foteine) Trifillis.

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Birth certificate
by Michael Mattys 02.12.2004
Can anyone please tell me how I can get a copy of my father's birth certificate. He was born in Pitsinades in 1907
Michael Mattys (Mavromatia)

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Catsoulis- marriage details required
Chris Goopy - Brisbane, Australia 27.09.2004
I am trying to confirm the date of my grandparent's marriage - Chrisanthe Coroneo to Theodore H. Catsoulis (Katsoulis)in Potamos, on the 29th December, possibly 1903. Can anyone help me please? Also I'm searching for Nona Chrisanthe's arrival date in Australia. Papauli stated on his application for naturalisation that he arrived either 3rd or 4th November, 1904. I believe they were married first in Greece and Nona followed later. See my notes in the Guest Book. Thank you. Chris email - [email protected]
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Stauros (Steve) Sklavos (Pasas) - Sydney Australia
Family village of origin: Mitata
This is the worlds greatest site. I spend hours looking in every corner and sometimes with tears. I'm so happy to see that time, distance or generations doesn't stop the proud Kytherians looking back to our beloved Island that holds so many memories and natural beauty. I looked in the guest book and saw the names of some very dear friends, and by the way….. O Gianis and Katina on the head of this site (the couple driving the 3-wheeler in the picture at the top of the website - ed) are my relatives. Katina is my Mothers Sister married to Panagioti Feros (Elesos) who passed way year ago and she remarried to Gianni. They have 3 more Brothers and Sisters, Anna married to John Kontos (Kondogiani) Sydney, George Sclavos (Mbotsetas) married to Hriso Sydney, and Panagiotis Sklavos (Mbotsetas) married to Maria Avlemonas, what a small world. My name is Steve Sklavos born in Mitata the first of January 1951. My Father is the now Father Evangelos Sklavos son of Stauros and Katina Sklavos (Pasas), born in Sklavianika Mitata, and my Mother is Eleftheria Sklavos daughter of Philipas and Stamatiki Sklavos (Mbotsetas) also born in Mitata. We left the Island when I was only 6 for Athens and left from there in 1966 for Sydney Australia. My Father has become a Priest a few years ago in Agia Triada Mitata, and is serving in the Island now. My Sister is visiting there now and I hope soon I will be able to put a flower on the graves of my Grand Parents who loved us so much To all that contributed to this site, THANK YOU

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Email from Terry Chlentzos-Keramaris
November 20, 2004
from Santa Barbara, California.
Yes, I have many photos of my Uncle Pete Clentzos (he is my father's brother). He was the oldest Olympic Torchbearer in Los Angeles last June, and was also a guest of the Greek Government at the Olympics in Athens. He is 95 years old and has more energy than anyone I know. Of course, that is because of those great Kytherian genes :)

I can add some more articles and photos to the website this weekend. I want to add that this is indeed a great website, and through the site I have found a third cousin who lives in California also!

Best regards,
Terry Chlentzos-Keramaris

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Read also the wonderful new entries in the guest book and message board from people all over the world such as
Paul Panaretos - Cuyahoga Falls, OH, USA
Christine Stratigos - Brisbane
Gary Smith - Albuquerque USA
Anastasios Kritharis - Sydney. Australia
Peter Makarthis - Inverell Australia
Angelos Notaras - Athens, Greece
David Goldrick - Canberra, Australia
David Haros - Hobart, Australia
Costa Potiris - Sydney-Australia
Peter Comminos - Thunder Bay/Canada
Panagiotis Protopsaltis - Key west FL USA
Tasso Conomos - Menlo Park, CA USA
Erenie Bourdaniotis (Samios) - Sydney Australia

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In October I sent a list of questions to two of our Champion Submitters - Jim Gavriles and Spyro Calocerinos(Kalokairinos) - neither of whom, I might add, I've ever met unfortunately. The ideas was to find out what motivates visitors to the site to submit so generously: Spyro has entered 182 entries and Jim a total of 116. In this month's newsletter I reprint Jim Gavriles' answers - Spyro's will be featured in the next newsletter. I think their responses are a great inspiration to all of us.

Jim Gavrilles, Detroit USA.
1. Tell us a little bit about your background
I am 75% Kytherian. My father's family From Logothetianica: Demetrios Gavrilis and Pauline Hristianos. My father was one of 6 sons. His name was Nicholas Gavrilis. There was John, Theodore, Peter, Andonis, Nicholas and Zaharias. Andonis was killed in the war in 1922, Zaharias died from the great flu epidemic in about 1918. The other 4 sons one by one immigrated to the United States. Peter eventually returned to Greece in the 30's.

My mother's father Theodore Panaretos from Potamos married Anthe Haldaios from Aegina. They immigrated to Smyrna and had 7 children; Peter, Aspasia, Alex, Minas, Helen (my Mother), Mary, and Antigoni. They left Smyrna in 1923 and immigrated to the United states in Massachusetts. Eventually both families ended up in Detroit, Michigan and all had families and business' I was born in November 1944 and I still live in the Detroit area. I have been to Kythera once in my life in 1963.

2. How did you find out about Kythera-Family.net in the first place?
I found the web site one day while surfing the net looking for info on Kythera. previous to that I would look through the "Voyage to Kythera" website.

3. Do you find Kythera-family.net easy to use?
I find it very easy to use. I do have a problem that it really doesn't post the latest entries and I have to go through the site to see what is new, even though the home page says this is the latest, it isn't?? (Note from the Editor: this comment by Jim was the main impetus in extending the site to include a "Recent Entries" category, which lists ALL the entries to the site in reverse chronological order. Jim will thus never miss a trick in future. Here is the direct link:

4. What do you like about the site?
What I like about the site is that I can view the whole population of the island and who the people were that made up the families on Kythera, and of course the fact that eventually we will have this one huge family tree that shows how we are all related to one another.

5. What do you think could be better on the site?
I wish we could view more of the daily life on the island and see various towns and villages. It would be nice to get interviews with village folks and what and who is still there along with the churches that belong to each village. I would also like to see a section that tells what villages and towns go with what last names. Also some sight that adds the families that went to Smyrna and when they went and what they did there for a living?? So many of the families did indeed go there thinking that they had a future only to be shattered by the Turks in the 1920's.

6. Do any other members of your family ever visit or contribute to the site? If not why not?
I have had a few relatives that contribute to the web site. Not as much as I would like. I have one in particular that could contribute much as he sort of had this as a hobby at one time. He spent a lot of his childhood on Kythera, with my grandfather. I am afraid - if he doesn't write down his memories - one day it will be too late and we won't have the info.

7. Do you think that Kythera-family.net is important to the Kytherian Community?
I think this site is very important to the community and to those of us who are far away and cannot share the thrill of our homeland. Especially like my children and my grandchildren who may not have the interest we have as yet, but someday will be very curious of their ancestry and will want to know about the history and the people.

8. Have you ever been contacted by someone through the website and have you had any response regarding your entries?
I have been in contact with many of the people on the website and have corresponded with them

9. What is your favourite category/article on Kythera-Family.net.
I guess i don't have one favourite area on the web site, but look forward every day to additions by anyone who contributes to the site. I especially like the photo sections as these are real events in history that have been captured by all of us and our parents/grandparents in the past. Just think how much one photo is worth to see one's grandfather or grandmother whom they have never seen before? Photos are truly worth more than anyone can attach a value to them. In these photos are the faces and the life of our families and ancestors. One picture is really worth a million words.

10. Tell us about some of the submissions you have made to the site which are most dear to you.
The submissions I have made to the site that are dear to me are mostly the pictures that I have been able to post and let others view that were taken by members of my family over the years.

11. Is there anything else you'd like to say about yourself or the site?
The only other thing I wish is that I had the ability to go there very often and to be able to spend time there, which I hope to do as I grow older. I am now 60 years old and I am very glad to be a Kytherian and also I am glad that my parents took the time to teach me the language and to read and write Greek. And most of all they instilled in me the pride of being one of you, a Kytherian, a Tsirigotis.!

Jim Gavriles

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In October this year in preparation for an academic conference I sent out a survey to all 700 recipients of this newsletter. An impressive and above average response of 107 replies came back.

The following evaluation is a simple one - each answer has been evaluated separately. The numbers are already interesting, but could be much more so if certain questions were combined: e.g.. how many third generation Kytherians go to the island how often? The combinations are endless. We can provide specific results to specific requests - please let me know if you have any particular combination of questions from the survey you would like evaluated.

Note: For some questions the participant could choose more than one option, that is why some tallies exceed 100%. And some tallies are under 100% because the question was not applicable to some participants (e.g.. "Do your children speak Greek" and the participant has no children). Some participants did not answer some questions, which also left gaps in some percentages.

Section 1:

1. Which of your immediate relatives migrated from Kythera?
a. You 3%
b. Your parents 49%
c. Your grandparent 51%
d. Your great-grandparents 5%
e. Other relative/s 7%

2. Have you been to Kythera?
Yes 84%
No 16%

If yes, how many times?
1 time 29%
2 times 14%
3 times 8%
4 times 4%
5 times 25%
more than 5 times 18%

3. Which migrant generation do you belong to?*
a. First Generation (the person who migrated) 4%
b. Second Generation (one or both of your parents migrated) 56%
c. Third Generation 39%
d. Forth Generation 1%
d. None - I still live in Greece (if so, where do you live in Greece?) 0%
* the answers here probably deviate from those in question 1 because more than one generation migrated.

4. If you are married, are you married to:
a. Another Greek 20%
b. Another Kytherian 7%
c. A non-Greek 56%

5. If you have children,
5a. are they named after other Kytherian relatives? 38%
5b. did they receive Greek names not related to the family? 35%

6. Do you own property on Kythera?
yes 39%
no 61%

7. If not, would you like to acquire property on Kythera?
Yes 32%
No 68%

8. If you are married to a non-Greek, are your children
a. Orthodox? 28%
b. Non-Orthodox? 72%

9. If you were born outside Greece, do you think that it is important to take your children to Greece for a visit?
Yes 86%
No 14%

10. Do you speak Greek at home?
a. Yes 56%
b. No 44%

11. Do you speak Greek with other Kytherians/Greeks?
Yes 52%
No 48%

12. Do you speak Greek to your children?
Yes 25%
No 45%
No children 30%

13. Do your children speak Greek?
a. Yes 7%
b. Very little 20%
c. Not at all 22%
d. They do not speak it, but they understand some Greek 15%
e. Some do, some don't. 3%
no children: 30%

16. Do you participate in community events such as going to Church, attending meetings and social events of various organisations, etc.?
a. Yes 75%
b. No 25%

17. How often do you participate in such events?
a. Often 45%
b. Seldom 36%
c. Never 19%

18. Do you consider yourself
(please tick as many answers as you like)
a. Kytherian 54%
b. Greek 66%
c. Non-Greek 40%

19. Do you have at home objects that symbolise Kythera for you?
Yes 76%
No 24%

If yes, what are they? (here follows a broad selection of the lists)
"Embroideries, bedspreads, Greek icon, rocks from the property, jewellery, pictures, post cards, vases, statues, videos, photos, a print showing the mother of Christ coming from the crucifixion, grandfather's house key, an oil lamp, many books on Kythera, Kytherian dictionary, a map of Greece and drawings by a Kytherian cousin, paintings and sculptures of another Kytherian relative, old ceramic urns and a couple of old icons, brochures, textiles and ceramics, few souvenirs, some of grandmother's things, many fabrics, old trunks, a deep-sea divers helmet taken from the Germans during WWII, handmade large medicine chest with compartmentalised areas for specific medicines, Historical framed photos of our grandparents & their villages prominently displayed, icon Myrtidiotissa, framed pictures of island sites, memories, books, Greek flag, koubolio, Kytherian plaques, fridge magnets, a framed map of Kythera on the wall, rugs, kitchen utensils, large olive oil vat, embroideries, Icons of Mirtidiotissa and Agia Elessa, pottery, plates, tablecloths, bed linen given to me by grandparents, aunts etc., craft work, pens and a watch, Hand woven bedspread, blankets, local pottery, found seashells, Kytherian olive oil and sea salt, oregano, icon of St. Haralambo, grandma's wedding vest, ornaments, cookbooks, calendars, stones, jars and pots, birth certificates, articles about other notable Kytherians, family history, pamphlets, music, wall plates, T-shirts, Greek art, decorative olive oil bottles, dried wildflowers, painting of Greek sea-side, painted murals on walls, large pots & geraniums, Mitata wine festival mementoes, letters, lithographs, artefacts from my grandparents, the old key of the family's home, yellow flowers"

20. What habits or values do you have which you consider to be specifically Kytherian? Please state.
"self employment, independence, upwardly mobile, strong work ethic, learning and education, indomitable spirit, dignity, pride, natural traders, intelligence, stoicism, law-abiding citizens; Kytherian pastitso; I feel the Kytherians are a very intellectual group of people and very close knit; Kytherian music; stubbornness; Proud to be Kytherian, loyalty to and love for Kythera, family oriented; desire to return to Kythera from time to time, desire to connect with extended Kytherian family; values of an orthodox Christian; Kytherian habit of being conservative & extremely hard working, never overstate our family achievements in education or business to others; A sense of belonging to a small community, a sense of caring and looking out for your family. A sense of history, heritage, links to the past; diples for special occasions, specific words that are Kytherian that my father uses; Hard working and highly ambitious; Greek cooking, Greek music, dancing, teaching grand children their Greek Heritage; yearly pilgrimage / circle of friends / way of life; Hospitality and interest in others; love of family combination of eating and socialising pride in self; being fair and kind to everyone. being a perfectionist at work and hobbies; family and dance; Love and fascination of anything to do with Kythera; the joy of family; religious celebration of Saints and Mary; bargain-hunting; deep interest in Greek things; optimism; love the food; always enjoy life; cooking of Kytherian style meals; Nick-names, common upbringings & history, names, recipes; Food. Annual Kytherian picnic, Vassilopita; food and hospitality habits; Frugality; continue traditional family values; tight with money; Enjoyment of traditional cooking, family values, Greek dancing; superior work ethic; appreciation for family and community, for land, for remoteness and isolation, for history, for identity; not going empty handed to other peoples places; proud of my heritage; respect for people, love swimming, watering the flower and vegetable gardens, visit old friends; appreciation for the heritage; strong sense of family and loyalty; hospitality; family values; Family orientation; communicate with Kytherian relatives; prudence, hard working, family loving; proud of being Greek, love of family and god; Love of Kytherian music, reading accounts of early Kytherian emigration to Australia; Family loyalty, looking after your own, sense of community;
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Section 2:

1. Which country and state did your relative migrate to?
USA 33%
Australia 62%
England 1%
Canada 1%
Egypt 1%
France 1%
Turkey 1%

2. Which part of Kythera (village/town) did the relative originate from?
not completed due to long list. results will follow in a later evaluation

3. How old were they when they migrated?
0-5 0 %
6-10 9%
11-15 21%
16-20 45%
21-25 12%
26-30 7%
31-35 2%
36-40 3%
41-50 1%
over 50 0%

4. Which year (approx.) did they migrate?
pre 1890 2%
1891-1900 8%
1901-1910 25%
1911-1920 21%
1921-1930 9%
1931-1940 10%
1941-1950 12%
1951-1960 6%
1961-1970 4%
post 1970 3%

5. Did they migrate to a country to:
a. join a (prospective) spouse? 9%
b. join a parent? 18%
c. join a child? 1%
d. take up a job proposition 32%
e. join another relative (sibling, uncle, cousin)? 40%

6. What level of education did their children attain?
a. Elementary 17%
b. secondary 30%
c. tertiary 37%
d. technical training 16%

7. Do/did they suffer from any of the following illnesses:
Arthritis 18%
Heart condition 26%
Diabetes 12%
Osteoporosis 9%
Alzheimer's 1%
Parkinson's 3%
Other: cancer(bowel, lung, kidney, liver ); MS; vitiligo; stroke; bronchitis; thalassaemia; emphysema; hay fever; glaucoma; ulcers; tuberculosis; gastroparesis; asthma; blood pressure; cholesterol

8. How many children did they have?
1: 4%
2: 20%
3: 27%
4: 27%
5: 9%
6: 6%
7: 3%
8: 1%
9: 2%
10: 1%

9. Do/Did they speak Greek to their children?
Yes 81%
No 19%

10. If they are/were married, were they married to
a. another Greek? 33%
b. another Kytherian? 44%
c. a non-Greek? 24%

11. If they had/have children,
a. are they named after other Kytherian relatives? 81%
b. did they receive Greek names not related to the family? 7%
c. they did not receive Greek names 12%

12. Did they ever return to Kythera?
Yes 76%
No 24%

13. Did they return to Kythera to live there permanently?
Yes 7%
No 93%

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