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Diggers and Greeks. A presentation.

Photograph: Left to Right:

Maria Hill, George Poulos, & Angelo Notaras.

Presentation By: Dr Maria Hill


Visiting Fellow at UNSW@ADFA

University of New South Wales & Australian Defence Force Academy

Date: Sun 26 April, 2009
Time: 4.30pm

On this evening, Maria gave a speech which examined how Australian soldiers, who came from a predominately Anglo-Celtic background, gained the trust, friendship and support of the Greek people, during the Cretan campaign. She also examined how the Greek people reacted to soldiers from a culture so different from their own.

Introduction and Greek summary by Dr Panayota Nazou- Lecturer in Greek Language, Literature and Culture, Department of Modern Greek Studies, University of Sydney

At the conclusion of her speech, which reduced many in the audience to tears, Maria was presented with a cheque from the Kytherian World Heritage Fund for $5000.

The cheque was presented by the Chief Administrator of the Fund, Angelo Notaras, after a brief speech by fellow Administrator, George Poulos.

The funds have since helped to -

+ add 80 more photographs to the book

+ convert the book from a paperback to a hard cover.

+ increase the physical dimensions of the books so that it is similar to previous publications with an "Australian & ......" theme.

+ Allowed for a complex map of the Cretan campaign to be included on the inside/underside of the dustcover - a very clever innovation.

The book will be launched early in 2010.

More information about Diggers and Greeks

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