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Peter Tsicalas

Tweed District Pioneers’ Register

The Tweed River Historical Society at Murwillumbah has a project underway to compile a register of all pioneers in the district. They define a pioneer as anyone who lived around the neighbourhood through to 1918. Some of those this lets in are
Arthur Anastasios Samios
Arthur Emmanuel Samios
Theo Con Andronicos
Dimitri Peter Psaltis
Archie Minas Caponas
Peter, Jack and Jim Cos Aroney
Stratis Peter Aroney
Jim George Aroney
Theo, Peter and Anthi John Minucoe
Jack Theo Andonara
Arthur Emmanuel Comino
Gregory Spiro Comino
Nick Harry Flaskas
Mick Marco Cassimatis
Stratis Galanis (Stan Garland)
Peter Castrisios
Minas Tsikleas
Con Theodorakakis

You’ll get a good reception, as the Greeks are in great favour following Cos Jack Aroney’s gift to the society of some rare historic photos of river traffic on the Tweed. They were taken by his mother, Stella (nee Lianos), a keen amateur photographer, in 1918.

Return the form to
Murwillumbah Historical Society Inc
2 Queensland Road
PO Box 373
Murwillumbah NSW 2484

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