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George Poulos

Triunduphilo Coroneos. 1970's.

Resting in a hotel room, on the way to visiting his sister Maria in Brisbane, Queensland.

Triunduphilo ploughing, as a 30 year old

As mentioned in that submission,

His father, my great-grandfather, was Theothosios Yanni Koroneos.

Photograph including Triunduphilos's father and mother taken in 1939

Triunduphilo would be the only one of his 8 brothers and sisters not to migrate permanently to Australia, or the USA. John Koroneos (Crown), and Zufiria migrated to the USA.

Theothosios had two wives, .......and Stamatiko.

To his first wife he had three children:


She died in childbirth, during the delivery of a "fourth" child.

To his second wife he had 6 children:

Chrisanthe (married, Katsoolis)
Maria (married Kritheri, Brisbane)

Triunduphilo was the only one of his 8 brothers and sisters to remain on Kythera.

In 1928, accompanied by one of Erophili's children, Jack Vanges, of California Cafe, fame (Nyngan, NSW), Triunduphilo emigrated to Australia.

California Cafe, Nyngan, NSW

Jack "took to" Australia immediately.

Jack Vanges, Life History

His cousin, Triunduphilo, however never felt comfortable here, and returned to Karavas, Kythera, within two years.

Phillip Poulos (son of Angie), Phillip Logus (son of Voula), and Phillip Coroneos (son of Manuel) all carry Triundiphilo's name. None of the families could bring themselves to call their sons "Rose" - or even "Ross".

Jack Vanges daughters Lilly and Helen, always used the cute epithet Uncle Rosie to refer to Triunduphilo.

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